📂Monthly Notifications & Billing
Last updated
Last updated
On the last day of every month, we will call the most recent number of active devices per tenant and send an email notification that looks like this 👇
This email will have:
Your company name
The license ID
A list of your tenant friendly names
The number of active devices per tenant (we bill on active device count and not raw device count)
The total amount we will bill for
And if the numbers don't look right to you - reach out to us!
If the right people aren't receiving these notifications, please email sales@patchmypc.com so we can update the notification settings for this communication
If you need to remove a current managed customer, simply remove their tenant from your publisher! We have more information around using our multitenancy functionality here.
After the notification on the last day of the month, you will receive an invoice automatically on the 15th of the following month. You can pay this invoice by credit card or bank transfer. Learn more about paying invoices here.